Kass Foley

Hi, I’m Aoife Kass, (or just Kass to those who know me best), and my journey in life is just about to begin. This world has many labels, different ‘categories’ that you can refer to me through, but I like to think of myself as one thing; human. A Cork girl from birth, I am an adventurous soul hidden amongst the flames of a determined mind. My 16 years on this earth has definitely been a wild ride; from rare moments of euphoria to battling my own raucous demons and more, but, through every sharp jerk or sudden stop, I’ve been lucky enough to find those few special people that mentor me, care for me, but most importantly; believe in me.

Even though I live in a tiny speck of a place on a map, my creative and headstrong nature has allowed me to encounter a wide variety of people, cool places and things, each shaping my life as they pass. Somedays, I might share stories of different experiences, whether that be the tale of an inspiring person I met, an event I travelled to or, simply the thoughts of a young woman on a rainy day. As an acting and music enthusiast, I have been thrown into a world full of different wonders, passions, writers and artists and am looking forward to sharing these with you. Of course, not everything I will put up here will be happy or perfect, but life isn’t perfect and that is the true beauty of this blog; to see the rough edges, the happy times and everything in between. No games, no lies, just someone living their life unfiltered. From life experiences to exciting new products, from various opinions to thoughts during a stormy night, follow this blog to keep up to date and welcome to my little corner of the internet.

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